Standup Shuffle

The “Who Goes First?” Dilemma

In the era of remote work, daily standup meetings have become a staple of team communication. But without a clear structure, these gatherings can quickly turn into a game of verbal musical chairs. Sound familiar?

You might recognize these scenarios:
  • The usual suspects always kick things off
  • A cacophony of voices as multiple team members start speaking simultaneously
  • Awkward silences punctuated by a hesitant “I guess I can go…”

These patterns not only disrupt the flow of information but can also reinforce team dynamics that may not be ideal for collaboration and equal participation.

Time to Shuffle things up

Say goodbye to the guessing game, inherent biases, and those painfully awkward pauses. Standup Shuffle is here to transform your daily check-ins.

Presenting … 🕺🏾💃🏾

Standup Shuffle
Randomize the order of your standup meetings

As the meeting coordinator, you can add the attendees names and simply hit shuffle to get the randomized list. Just like that, no more attendees speaking over one another or awkward pauses.


Standup Shuffle