Welcome to the blog

Hello 👋🏽

Thank you for visiting my blog! I’m excited to share my journey and insights gained from two decades of working in technology. This platform will serve as a space to explore the fascinating intersections of user experience design, management, and engineering - fields that have shaped my career and continue to evolve rapidly.

What You Can Expect:

Drawing from my 20 years of experience, I’ll provide my unique perspectives on the tech industry’s past, present, and future.

UX Design & Management: Explore the practices I’ve successfully adopted and applied through various organizational operational styles.

Side Hustles: The projects I’ve completed, the lessons I’ve learned, and the strategies that have proven effective in managing my own endeavors.

Readers Choice:

While I strive for objective analysis, it’s important to acknowledge that some content may come across as opinion-based. I welcome your feedback and alternative viewpoints. This blog is as much about fostering dialogue as it is about sharing knowledge. Your input can help me refine my thinking and provide more valuable content.

AI-Enhanced Writing:

In the spirit of embracing technology, I’m utilizing AI to enhance the quality of my writing. My process involves crafting an initial draft and then using AI tools to refine and improve the content. This approach, which has become increasingly common in 2024, allows me to focus on generating ideas while ensuring the final product is polished and engaging.

Why This Blog Exists

My goal is simple: to help others through shared experience. It’s about paying it forward, sharing insights that might spark ideas, solve problems, or simply offer a new way of thinking.

I aim to:

  • Share valuable insights from my 20-year journey in technology
  • Provide useful content without expecting anything in return

Happy reading
